Hi Ya Bab
Thanks for dropping by
Thanks for dropping by
So this is my website and this page is links to all the other services on the Interwebs I use and the projects I'm involved with. Have a butchers around, click some stuff and I'll put the kettle on.
If you want to see my new show, Battered Chip on My Shoulder then click here or the menu at the top.
Social Media and Personal Stuff
Social Media and Personal Stuff
Usually when I do stuff or say stuff online it's somewhere in one of these links. There's even a donation link or two.
Poets, Prattlers, and Pandemonialists
Poets, Prattlers, and Pandemonialists
Busy Pandemonalising Poetry
Wild Animals in a Wild Garden
Wild Animals in a Wild Garden
A trail camera, an overgrown garden and animals galore.
Stories From The Smoke Room
Stories From The Smoke Room
On a hiatus but returning soon